My Council

Works and Services

Below is a list of handy links for other service providers in our area:

Property Services:

TasWater:  13 6992

Aurora: 13 2004

SES: 132 500 (for damage to property during an emergency event like flood or fire)

Community Groups and Support organisations

St Helens Neighbourhood House:  6376 1134

Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House: 6374 2344

Medical Service Providers

Ochre Medical, St Helens: 6376 1777

St Marys Community Health Centre: 6387 555

St Helens District Hospital: 6387 5570

Education and Employment Service Providers

St Helens District High School: 6376 7177

St Marys District School: 6372 3900

Break O’Day Trade Training Centre: 1300 655 307

  • Mangana Road reconstruction: only sealing to be completed.
  • Ansons Bay Road upgrade of the next 1.2km section from the current end of seal, northwards:  only sealing to be completed.  This project is partially funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. – Final trim and sealing will occur in the new year.

March 2025

  • A new footpath will be constructed along Gray Road, St Marys in front of the school.

Road grading:

  • Nth Ansons Road
  • Eddystone Point Road
  • Mathinna area repairing roads after recent rain event.
  • Upper Scamander Road


Road Resealing Program:

The Road Resealing Program including preparation and sealing will commence on 4th February.  Various roads throughout the municipality will be resealed over the next 4 months.


Roadside slashing has commenced, please keep an eye out for the contractor as he makes his way along narrow roads around the municipality. Approach with caution and drive to the reduced speed limit.


Playground Painting

Preparation work followed by painting is scheduled to commence at the St Helens playground in the week starting 24 March 2025.
The playground will be closed for about 3 weeks depending on the weather being fine.


Cecilia Street Bridge, St Helens

Commencing Wednesday 26 February, Bridge B2293 in Cecilia Street will be replaced.  Traffic at the Eastern end of Cecilia Street will be disrupted at times, and some road closures are planned for individual days, during working hours.  It is intended that the road will be open every night, with the possible exception of 26 February.

For information on Waste and Recycling Collection click here.

For information on some of our Major Projects click here

Road Works – State Government

You can find a full list of State Growth works here.