My Community

Community Information

Our Community is amazing!

Find out more about what is happening around Break O’Day and how you can join in here on our community webpages and our handy ‘Love Local Life’ Community Guide here.


You can also:

Check the noticeboards

Find them throughout our community in places like supermarkets, the libraries, post offices, local halls and community buildings and the Neighbourhood Houses. There is a community noticeboard at the entrance to the Bay of Fires IGA Supermarket too, more details about that below.

Visit a Neighbourhood House

We are lucky in Break O’Day to have two wonderful Neighbourhood Houses. Drop in and say hello 🙂

“Tasmania’s Neighbourhood Houses are the warm and generous heart of their communities”

Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House

6374 2344

20 Talbot Street, FINGAL

St Helens Neighbourhood House

6376 1134

25 Circassian Street ST HELENS

Follow local Facebook pages

and many more marketplace and community Facebook groups.

Look for local Facebook pages and groups using the name of your Township or Break O’Day. There are too many to list here because there are so many fabulous groups to connect with!

Find a list of local community groups and more community information below too!


There are many volunteer led community groups in our community holding activities, creating opportunities and supporting people.


Find them here – Community Groups


Thank you to everyone who gives their time and skills to create and support these opportunities in our community.

We try to keep this list up to date – we rely on community groups keeping us informed of any changes.

Are your contact details up to date? We want to help people connect with you. When you have 2 spare minutes, please complete the form below. We will include your details on our community group list available on our website. You can choose to have your details kept private for council staff only if you wish.

Please use this form to provide your details: Community Group – Contact Details – fillable

Only one form per group please. Return your form to
Call 6376 7900 if you need a hard copy.

Seeking Funds?

If you are a community group and you are looking for funding for a specific project our Community Group Grants are usually open for applications at the end of the calendar year so keep an eye on this page for the application forms. We will also promote this in our newsletters and Facebook page.

If you would like some information on affordable insurance for your community group, please click here.

Looking to volunteer?

Volunteers are an integral part of our community and without them many things would not be possible, from events to community led initiatives.

If you would like to be a part of our vibrant volunteer community, see more information on our volunteering page here.

Youth Voice to Council

  • Are you aged 12-25?
  • Want to make a difference in your community?
  • Got something to say about young people in Break O’Day?

Download an Information Pack and Application here

Youth Voice to Council Overview and Application Form

For more information contact the Community Services team at Council on 6376 7900 or

Need Support?

Check out this list of services, links and tips for support. Live4Life Break O’Day Youth Support Resource BOOKLET

You can print this resource A3 double sided and if you flip on the short edge it folds into a booklet.

Child and youth organisations, groups and activities in Break O’Day.

Building Blocks  6374 2344

A free early learning and parenting support program in North East Tasmania for families and children (0-8 years). Hosted by Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House.

Find out more 

Child and Family Learning Centre  6376 7172

1 Groom Street St Helens

Find out more

Find us on Facebook

St Marys Child Care Centre  6372 2187

Gardiners Creek Rd St Marys

Find out more

Poss-M-agic – Day Care Centre  6376 1645

10 Groom Street St Helens

More info

Free2B Girls

Meet at St Helens Neighbourhood House in the Bungalow on Wednesday afternoons. 3:15pm

25 Circassian Street St Helens

More info


Youth Connect North East Coast Tasmania (YCNECT)

YCNECT is a community-based, non-profit organisation that provides activities for young people in Break O’Day.

Find us on Facebook


Youth Live4Life is a registered health promotion charity, bringing together rural and regional communities to improve youth mental health and wellbeing.

Find out more

STEM for Girls Club

Meet every alternate Saturday at St Helens Online Access Centre 10-11:30am.

Skittles LGBTQIA+ Youth Group

12-16 years. Meets fortnightly on Thursdays at St Helens Neighbourhood House (Bungalow) 3-4:30pm

6376 1134




As a community in Break O’Day we can all play a role in supporting our young people to thrive. This shared community statement was developed with youth supporters in Break O’Day. We can all reflect on our role in putting these statements into action and use this shared vision as a foundation for the ways we work with, support, and provide services to young people in our community.

Please direct any feedback or questions to Community Services at Council 6376 7900

Youth Commitment Statement – Break O’Day June 2024


Break O’Day Community Youth Commitment Statement

Supporting Our Youth, Building Our Future

We, the people of Break O’Day, recognise the vital role that young people play in shaping our community’s present and future. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive place to live where every young person can reach their full potential.

Our Community Commitment:

Youth Voice: We commit to actively seeking and valuing the voices of young people, and ensuring they know of opportunities to participate in community decision-making processes.

Our community will promote, establish or nurture channels for youth to express their ideas, concerns, and visions for our community.


Supporting Self-Empowerment: We commit to supporting young people in our community to grow knowledge and skills and access resources they need to become confident, resilient, and engaged citizens.

Our community will provide opportunities for leadership, learning and personal growth.


Inclusivity: We commit to embracing the diversity of young people in our community, respecting their unique backgrounds, identities, and perspectives.

Our community will be inclusive, welcoming, and free from discrimination.


Equity: We commit to ensuring all young people in our community have their shelter, food, clothing and basic material needs met.

Our community will work together to support youth in need, or at risk, and to advocate for youth-centred support and services for young people in our community.


Safety: We commit to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our young people and ensuring we all operate within the UN Convention Rights of the Child, and the Tasmanian Child and Youth Safe Framework.

Our community will have welcoming, safe environments where youth can learn, play, and grow without fear.


Education: We commit to supporting or providing access to quality education and learning opportunities for all young people in our community.

Our community will support and promote lifelong learning and equitable access to education and learning opportunities.


Mental Health and Wellbeing: We commit to promoting mental health awareness, supporting good mental health and wellbeing among our youth and breaking down stigma.

Our community will advocate for, and facilitate access to, mental health resources and support services for youth and promote opportunities for young people to enhance their wellbeing.


Employment and Economic Opportunity: We commit to fostering pathways to employment, career development and economic stability for young people.

Our community will support, promote or create youth job opportunities and job training programs, and foster economic opportunities for young people.


Recreation and Arts: We commit to advocating for, supporting, or providing safe and vibrant spaces, and opportunities for youth to engage in arts and recreational and cultural activities, and to support them to celebrate and express themselves.

Our community celebrates youth contributions to arts and culture and recognises the value of creativity and recreation in youth development.


Community Participation: We commit to getting involved in activities and efforts that support young people and their families in our community.

Our community will create opportunities to share our efforts to support youth that involve families, schools, local businesses, and services.


Accountability: We commit to regularly assess our progress in meeting the needs of our youth, and to be transparent, accountable, and open to feedback.

Our community is open to learning and striving to do our best for youth.



We declare our unwavering dedication to the present and future success of our young people. Together, we will strive to create a community where every young person feels valued, safe, and supported to thrive.

Signed and endorsed by community members of Break O’Day.



Learner Driver Mentor Program (Get in2 Gear)

Supporting people who are having difficulty getting their driver’s licence.

We know sometimes it is hard getting access to a vehicle, or to someone willing and able to help you get your driving hours up.

The program is coordinated by us and is only possible with the generosity of our volunteer mentors who guide our learner drivers through the road rules, driver safety, and help our Learners achieve their 80 on-road hours until they are confident enough to go for their driving test.

If you would like to be a part of this program, as either a mentor or a learner driver, please use the links below to check your eligibility and apply.

Call our office on 6376 7900 and we can guide you through the process.




Mentor Application Info Pack – 2024 – FILLABLE

Learner Application Form – January 2024 – FILLABLE


Emergency Relief organisations provide services directly to regional communities.
It is not necessary to travel into Launceston for support.

 Please contact these organisations for advice and assistance.


Launceston City Mission

(03) 6335 3000

Launceston Benevolent Society

(03) 6344 4213

The Salvation Army Tasmania

(03) 6323 7500

St Vincent De Paul Society

(03) 6326 5551

Anglicare Tas

1800 243 232

56 Cecelia St, St Helens

CatholicCare Victoria Tasmania

1800 819 447 or (03) 6332 0600

Financial Counselling Support

If you or someone you know requires financial counselling support:

National Debt Helpline

1800 007 007

Gambling Helpline

1800 858 858


1800 243 232

Housing Connect

1800 800 588

A one-stop shop for all your housing and support needs.





Helplines & Information

In all emergencies call the Police 000 line

Tasmanian Government Family Violence Response and Referral Line

1800 633 937


1800 737 732

Mensline Australia

1300 78 99 78

A Tasmanian Lifeline
1800 98 44 34 Lifeline
131 114
Kids Helpline
1800 551 Blue
1800 512
Carer Gateway

1800 422 737

If you or someone you know is a carer

Disability Information Helpline

1800 643 787

If you or someone you know has a disability

Older Australians and Carers COVID-19 Support Line

1800 171 866

Older people and their carers are encouraged to call

Tasmania Public Health Hotline

1800 671 738

For the latest information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tasmania

Find Help Tas

A central online directory of community services across Tasmania.

Supported by TasCOSS and member organisations

National Coronavirus Helpline

1800 020 080

Information on coronavirus (COVID-19) and help with the COVIDSafe app

24 hours a day, seven days a week

Mental Health and Support Services Directory

Compiled by St Helens and Fingal Valley Neighbourhood Houses.

Any updates changes or queries should be directed to:

Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House

20 Talbot Street, Fingal 7214

Monday to Friday – 9am to 3pm

Phone: (03) 6374 2344


Remember you can also email an image of your Community events posters to and we can add them to the Community Events page of our website too!

There is a community noticeboard at St Marys on the Town Hall on Main Street St Marys.

The Break O’Day Community Noticeboard is located in St Helens between the Bay of Fires IGA and the courtyard in front of Coffee Away.

This notice board is managed by Marika at Coffee Away.
All material must be submitted to Marika for review before being placed on the board. Community Groups and individuals using the St Helens noticeboard must ensure all material fits within the guidelines below (which are also a helpful guide for all community notices).

1. Advertising for private items and garage sales is permitted but limited to A5 in size.
2. Material of a political nature will not be allowed.
3. Information must be of interest to the Break O’Day community
4. Material must not be offensive or derogatory to any groups, individuals or other
5. Material containing offensive language will not be allowed
6. Information must contain a contact number or email address for more information
7. Material will be dated by Marika and removed after 4 weeks or when event/other has finished
8. Council will audit the Community Noticeboard and reserves the right to remove or refuse material at their discretion.

Thanks for your co-operation.

There are more noticeboards for community information in lots of places across Break O’Day:

  • St Helens Library
  • St Marys Library
  • St Helens Neighbourhood House
  • Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House
  • Supa IGA St Helens
  • Hillys IGA St Helens
  • IGA St Marys
  • St Marys Post Office
  • Falmouth Community Centre
  • and some local businesses

Below are links to the Tasmanian Fire Services Bushfire Protection Plans.

Scamander Area

St Helens Area

St Marys Area


Through the Sponsorship Program, you are supporting the costs of purchasing and maintaining the picnic table or seat.

As a sponsor, you may choose to contribute a donation for either a picnic table or bench seat to celebrate events such as a birth or a wedding anniversary. Alternatively, you may wish to pay tribute to a loved one who was either born or has lived here at some stage.

The Sponsorship Program offers a unique opportunity for community and Break O’Day Council to co-contribute to a community asset. For more information see the information pack below.

Information Package for SeatTable Sponsorship