My Council

Future of Local Government Review

The Tasmanian Government has commissioned the Local Government Board to undertake a Review of the role, function, and design of local government in Tasmania.


The review will focus on the roles and functions of local government, not the performance of individual Councils.

It aims to ensure our system of local government is robust, capable, and ready for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The scope of the review covers:

  • Statutory functions (eg land use planning);
  • Service delivery (eg waste management, road maintenance);
  • Governance and administration (eg asset management); and
  • Community/place-based roles (eg strategic planning, advocacy).

The review is anticipated to take 18 months and will be broken in to three, six month stages.

Stage 1 – Community engagement, Evidence & fact-finding (January to June 2022)

Focusses on wide community engagement and research to understand what Tasmanians expect from local government and the needs, challenges and opportunities councils will meet in the future.

Stage 2 – Analysing Options (July to December 2022)

Focusses on the identification and development of opportunities for reform, and the testing of these ideas through focussed engagement and further research and exploration.

Stage 3 – Recommending Solutions (January to June 2023 and beyond)

Focusses on the evaluation of options and the delivery of practical recommendations to the Tasmanian Government, along with advice about the implementation of reforms and transition.


The first round of consultation is now complete and a report on consultation is now available

The Board is now asking the community to provide further feedback on this report.

You can find a copy of the report here: Stage 1 – Interim Report

You can have your say on the Future of Local Government website.





The Local Government Review will ask the community to provide feedback on local government under seven main themes:


Session dates for Break O’Day include:

We will also list the dates/locations and times as well as the survey link on our website here:


Please find a copy of our final, full submission including community consultation here:

FoLGR Stage 2 Interim Report – BODC Response COMPLETE FINAL


Your Voice – Your Council

Break O’Day Council undertook its own community consultation to understand what the Break O’Day and the northern end of Glamorgan Spring Bay communities wanted to see achieved by the review.

The survey included questions to help us understand where people accessed services and what was important to them.

Here is a complete report of what we learned:

Community Engagment Paper Final Inc Survey data



FoLG Interim Repoort Review Stage 2 _ Letter and Submission FINAL

Submission v1 03-01-24 – FINAL with Cover

FoLGR Options Paper Submission v4 08-02-2023 FINAL

Further information and quick links:

You can find relevant and up to date information on the Local Government Review on the Tasmanian Government website here:

You can also keep up to date on the latest news in this space via the Future of Local Government Review – Tasmanian Government, Facebook page here: