My Council

Current Projects and Activities


Parks & Wildlife Service (PWS) and Break O’Day Council (BODC) have partnered to engage a consultant to prepare a Bay of Fires Master Plan that will deliver a high quality environmentally, economically and socially sustainable Bay of Fires experience for the next twenty years to 2040.  To deliver on that objective, the Master Plan must have regard to the need for protection and enhancement of the natural environment and cultural values, the needs of the community and residents, and he nature and drivers of the local economy.  The primary scope encompasses national park, conservation and recreation areas north of Humbug Point, to the Binalong Bay township, the Bay of Fires beaches and campgrounds, Anson’s Bay, to Deep Creek in the north and the freehold land within this area.



Hansen Partnership Pty Ltd



Commencement Date Activity Detail
Last week October, 2024 Inception ·         Inception meeting

·         Initial contact with Aboriginal parties

·         Preparation of Project Plan

·         Preparation of Engagement Plan

First week December, 2024 Desktop Review & Initial Management ·         Confirmation of Aboriginal engagement

·         Background review

·         Community & tourism summaries

·         Targeted engagement

·         Impacts and Opportunities

·         Initial Cultural Heritage Assessment

Mid February, 2025 Concept Framework ·         Conceptual Framework development
Mid April, 2025 Testing ·         Site investigations and community engagement

·         Further engagement with Aboriginal parties

·         Cultural Heritage assessment

·         Existing conditions analysis

Mid May, 2025 Draft Masterplan ·         Preparation of draft Masterplan

·         Preparation of draft Infrastructure Guidelines

End July, 2025 Finalisation ·         Finalisation of Masterplan

·         Community Engagement

·         Preparation of Engagement Summary


These activities and timelines may be subject to changes during the duration of the project



There will be several opportunities for the community to have their say on the Bay of Fires Master Plan project.  We will share links and promotions to these opportunities here as they arise. We will also promote these opportunities through our Newsletter, Social Media and email databases as well as other local media outlets.



The Bay of Fires Master Plan will provide a basis  for managing the future use of the Bay of Fires area to deliver a high quality experience for those who visit and use the area.  It will guide the actions and priorities of the Parks and Wildlife Service who have the overall land management responsibility for the Bay of Fires as well as the activities of the Break O’Day Council and other community organisations who have an interest in the area.


 The Break O’Day Council is exploring the potential construction and operation of an Aquatic Facility in our area. The project initially involves a feasibility analysis to assess whether such a facility is viable. This analysis will examine the various components of the proposed aquatic facility, including its design, potential locations, and the anticipated level of community use. Additionally, the financial projections will be broad and consider the community’s ability to fund the project. The primary goal of the feasibility analysis is to address key questions, such as whether an aquatic facility is feasible, what it could look like, where it might be located, and how it would be financed. 



Otium Planning Group 



August-September 2024  Pre-Research  Reviewing all background studies, demographics etc. Reviewing competitor facilities and aquatic trends.  This will inform a Needs gap analysis 
Late October – Early December   Community Engagement   This will include:   

  • One-on-one meetings with stakeholders  
  • Survey for Allied Health professionals 
  • Survey for Schools 
  • Survey for the general community  
  • Community Meetings 
November  Research comparable facilities  Examining three rural or similar facilities 
January 2025  Component Schedule  Outlining what the facility would require to help guide site capability discussions 
Cost Plan  Based on agreed components, a high level cost plan will be developed 
Financial Monitoring  Develop a detailed financial model and investigate potential funding opportunities 
February  2025 Draft Feasibility Study  A Draft will be presented to Council for discussion. After it has been to Council it will be released to the community for their input. 
February – March  2025 Community Feedback  Community feedback on the draft will be collated and considered in the final version 
March  2025 Final Feasibility Report  Will be released to the public and uploaded to Council’s website. 

* It is important to note that the Key Activities and Timelines are indicative only and that they may evolve and change as the consultancy progresses. 



There will be several opportunities for the community to have their say on the Aquatic Feasibility Study project.  We will share links and promotions to these opportunities here as they arise. We will also promote these opportunities through our Newsletter, Social Media and email databases as well as other local media outlets. 



Once the Feasibility Analysis has been developed, it will be presented to the Council who will decide if the project investigation should proceed to Stage 2 which is the development of a detailed business case and concept design. 

The investigations and ultimately decision making around a potential Aquatic Facility in the area will be the most complex and ultimately future shaping project to be considered by the Council since the amalgamation of Portland and Fingal Councils creating Break O’Day in 1993.  A decision to build and manage an Aquatic Facility will be lived with for future generations. 

Once this work is completed, Council will need to make a decision on whether to progress to Stage 2, you can find the various stages of this project in the Methodology document below.  

If progressed, the construction of a facility will require external funding, meaning Council will need to seek State and Federal funding to deliver such a project. 



You can find Community Engagement activities here:  Community Engagement


Break O’Day Council will be relocating the Fingal Park RV park to the Fingal Recreation Ground as a result of changes to the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.

The Fingal RV Park located on the main road has been a popular, free RV stopping spot for many years but due to its co-location with a children’s playground and equipment, Council found under the new legislation there was a conflict.

The RV Camping will be relocated to the Fingal Recreation Ground which is approximately 350m from Fingal Park. This site is a large, open and flat are with toilet and shower facilities. The larger space, tucked away from the main road, provides a larger, safer and quieter area for RV campers to enjoy. The Dump Station and EV Charging station will remain located at the Fingal Park.

Council will publicise this change by notifying RV camping websites and apps as well as installing signage at both sites and entry points to the Fingal Township.

The RV Park at Talbot Street will be officially relocated on 30 November 2024 and there will be signage on site highlighting this change.

You can find more information on why we have moved the RV Park here: Fingal RV FAQ

This project relates to the design, development and installation of a new sign for the St Marys Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centre located at the St Marys Sports Complex.

The new, million dollar, purpose built building was entirely Federally funded through the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program after the Fingal bushfires in 2019.

The new building will house the community gym, cricket club rooms, and kitchen area with extra storage and space included in case the building needs to be stood up in an emergency. The building was designed with significant community input to ensure it meets a range of community needs.

The new building will require a new sign and because the building belongs to community we wanted the community to be able to have a say in what should be included and how the new signs should look.

To do this we have partnered with local artist Mel Hoult (nee Fidler) who will work with us to engage with the Fingal Valley community so we can her your ideas for the signage. To do this we will host a Community Workshop as well as open an online survey. You can find out more about how to have your ideas heard here Community Engagement


Melanie Hoult is a multidisciplined visual artist based on the East Coast of Tasmania, whose love for the island state drives her creative process. With a personalised and illustrative style, Melanie creates fictional characters, flora and environments loosely based on Tasmanian folklore, ideas Gondwana and tales of nature and the unknown. Since completing her Bachelor of Contemporary Art (Honors) at The University of Tasmania in 2016, Melanie has been involved in various exhibitions, community youth projects, collaborations, art festivals and developmental workshops, including Ten Days on the Island, Launceston City Councils ‘Electric Botany’ Street Art Initiative,  Stompin’ Youth Dance Company (set Design),  Junction Arts Festival, Expressive Arts Tasmania and Y-Connect Youth Network, whilst also conducting workshops and art classes for various youth organisations and holding solo exhibitions of her illustrative and painted works.

Below is an example of some of Mel’s previous work:


Monday 23 December Start promoting Survey and Workshop
Tuesday 14 January Community Workshop – St Marys Sports Complex @ 3pm
Wednesday 15 January Survey Closes
Monday 20 January Feedback Report collated and given to the Artist
28 February Artwork complete and sent to printer
Week 3 March Installation of sign
Friday 14 March Opening

* Timelines are indicative only and subject to change


The below image shows the wall of the St Marys Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centre building and the proposed area Council, community and the artist are working with is shown in pink.

*The below area is approximate and for visual reference only.

You can find a list of Upcoming Works activities here: